OutPerform RMS is a price optimizer and revenue management system, developed by a team who is building hospitality software solutions for more than 20 years. It was created by Revenue Managers to help them ease their complex work.

Revenue Management System

Discover the best way for hotels and resorts to optimize their revenue!
Brilliant revenue management takes up so much time and is a very manual process, analysing fragmented data from PMSs, rate shoppers, channel managers and revenue optimizers, offline/online, sometimes past or current, not often future – this picture is incomplete, disconnected and not aggregated.
This is why OutPerform RMS was created. Ideal way for hotels and resorts to optimize their revenue.
Save Time and Improve RevPar Results

Optimise your pricing with powerful algorithms, view rates, events shopping and revenue reporting!
Intelligent rate recommendations
OutPerform algorithm includes events, seasonality, day of the week, future period as well as historical data, business rules, competitors and market occupancy.
Full visibility on indicators
The Dashboard, reports and analysis are accessible from everywhere to give users a full understanding of what is happening both inside the hotel and in the market, assuring their rate decisions are made on facts and not assumptions.
Save time
Streamlined workflow from the historical and future data collection, to the rate optimisation and its distribution across different channels.

Check the evolution for your most important KPIs at one glance: Occupancy, Average Rate OTB, RevPar, Revenue, Pickup, Market Occupancy.
All cards are displaying a 30 days’ evolution for the selected date, in comparison with last year performance, with DoW correction, from the same perspective.

CompSet Report
Individual Rate Shopper with different views (calendar, graph, table), showing Dynamic Length of Stay (multiple LoS), Room Restrictions, Rate Restrictions, Rate Evolution, Multiple shops per day, Displays all the available rates, not just the BAR, Exportable, Rates per room type.
Includes on demand shop.

Shows last year OTB, the actual data OTB, distances to Budget and Forecast, yield management profile, market data, at Hotel Level, Market Segment, Channels and Room Type levels.
All data in the Timeline is exportable.

Day Inspector
In depth analysis of a particular day, showing the most important KPIs, the recommended Rate and Reco explanation, Distance to Budget, OTB values for current year, Last year and Same Time Last Year, Market Evolution for both LAR and BAR (subscriber and compset), Business Mix and Pace.

MultiProperty Overview
Overview of all hotels on which a user has access.
The most important KPIs RN, Revenue, ADR and RevPAR are displayed in table view, cards and graphs, according to the grouping and period selected.
Your benefits using OutPerform RMS
- No data collection stress – streamlined workflow
- Shorter research time – instantly visualize trends and recommendations
- Rates optimisation – based on facts and data
- Algorithm powered tool to optimize price and increase RevPAR
- Fully automated tool for price optimization in connection with your PMS and Channel Manager
- The selling rates and the behaviour of your most important competitors
- Market availability and events data of your city or of your district.
- Mobility and accessibility in decision making
- Distribution cost savings
- Cloud based system.